Thursday, May 03, 2007

Is This The End?

Hello Everybody,

Regular visitors to this blog must have noticed that in the past few months, the already irregular flow of posts has trickled down to nothing. There have been instances in the past when this happenned but I am inclined to think that those instances were only seasonal variations in the flow of my observations....

An unfortunate series of events has, I am afraid, blocked the free flow of my observations in a manner which makes me think that the cause of this scarcity of good thought is more structural than seasonal this time.

I am noting this down on my blog because I think that the explicit definition of the problem might lead the way towards a possible solution. I believe the problem has a lot to do with a loss of both the environment conducive to my thinking as well as the methodology which refines the original observations.

In brief, I've lost material!! A writer's block perhaps.

All help will be entertained. Your suggestions will do a lot.

Please Help!

Yours Idiotically,
Talented Idiot.