It does make great sense to do a regular overview of what you plan to do in life, how you plan to do it, and the principles that you are always going to follow. The first two things can be done once in a month or so, depending upon the time span of your tasks, but I strongly believe that the third one should be done daily.
A daily refresher of the mind is really useful. These include some meditation, and the remembrance and acceptance of some principles of life. In the day to day affairs of the mind, it is very easy to forget the principles that you believe in, thus leading to a misled, or worse, an uncontrolled mind. This is downright disaster. Meditation calms the mind, and also, if done properly, stops the mind from thinking for a while. This is very important! Control over the mind is what discipline is all about, and, as I have said earlier, discipline is what life is about!
One should preferably do this complete refreshment in the morning, and if possible, include a short session in the evening.