One often hears people talk of the wonders of intuition. Before I begin, let me be clear.. Intuition is also called gut feeling, and it is what one refers to when one talks about all the mysterious ways of understanding, "deep within" as it is said. Now, there is a very good book on similar lines, called "Blink". But I am not going in that direction as you will see.
It is impossible to doubt the power and the accuracy of intuition, but the clear sight of the inner eye can easily be clouded by egoism. It is very difficult to explain the source of intuition, but it occurs only when the mind is calm and still. When the mind is scattered with a thousand thoughts, intuition is inhibited and often misunderstood. The practice of calming the mind, requires discipline, and therefore, so does intuition itself.
The human mind, when not scattered in activity, concentrated and single pointed, is very powerful indeed. It is all encompassing and all conquering. It is at this level that the mysterious functions of the mind, such as telepathy and telekinesis get activated and it is at this level, that intuition occurs. Intuition is nothing but an ability to use the mind in this state for doing any specific task.
It is noteworthy, that all great artists, sportsmen and scientists can use their mind at this level to perform extraordinary feats.
People who deny the power of this extraordinary ability are ignorant. Either they have never experienced this state of mind, or even upon experiencing it, their ego prevents them from accepting the truth.
The subconscious mind, also called the inner mind, is always on, at a low frequency, and it is always monitoring everything that is going on in our life. It is this part of our mind, that is utilized when one talks of the great and often psychic abilities of our mind. It is a sharp weapon, and must be used carefully. It can lead you to greatness, or it can even break you, depending upon how you treat it and use it. During times of severe indiscipline, such as the consumption of alcohol or while indulging in useless, gosippi conversations, our control over the subconscious is reduced, whereas with the use of proper methods, we can use the subconscious. When I talk of a concentrated mind, I talk of a mind which also has total control over the subconscious.
I shall give you a practical demonstration of the power of the subconscious. Make a medium term goal. Let us say that the goal is to win a singing competition. Now, whatever you do, keep chanting inside your mind, "I will be the best singer in the competition" Don't ever stop. Whenever you realize that you have stopped, start hammering the saying inside your mind again. You will observe how you automatically start putting things into place and embark on the right road towards your goal.
I would have loved to further elaborate on visualization, but I would like to do it some other time.