Tuesday, December 06, 2005

The idea of perfect freedom

I must now explain the idea of perfect freedom... One must write as soon as one gets ideas.

The basic concept involved in perfect freedom is that you are free to do exactly what you want to do. So is everyone else. This frees you from any obligation towards anything whatsoever. But it also frees others from your expectations out of them. This really creates a beautiful atmosphere as far as inter-personal relationships are concerned!

In perfect freedom, you are free to murder someone, do drugs, drink too much, etc, etc. However, you are also free to do some amazing and bold things that you wanted to do, which you never did uptil now because you were too scared about what others would feel. Also, even though you are perfectly free to do anything, you are still perfectly bound to the consequences of your actions! Therefore, one can contemplate each and every action with an open mind, thanks to the lack of any rules, and then pursue the action that best meets the desired consequence, while avoiding undesired consequences. I hope that you find it easy to understand the beauty of such an environment!

It will be observed that in the long term, after contemplation, the actions of men will be consistent with the principles of peace, justice, humanity, etc. We will have a very nice world!!

I must stress that this idea can actually be applied to everyday life! If you have concerns about doing something illegal with this principle, remember that the consequences of most outlawed actions will prevent you from doing them anyway! Furthermore, mostly, the life lived using this idea will be a better life in every way compared to the life lived by not following this just because it does not take into account matters of the law.