Sunday, December 04, 2005

The truth about happiness

A good climbing session almost always makes for retrospection, inspiration, and realization!
There is never a time in life to celebrate or to enjoy oneself. Never, ever. Our life, if lived well and even enjoyably, must be spent in unwavering and high discipline. Only disciplined people can truly enjoy life. Enjoyment through drink or partying is very superficial enjoyment. Real enjoyment can only be obtained by the virtue of living itself. And to enjoy the virtue of living, one needs discipline.
To make things more simple, life can only be enjoyed by living in the moment, and always doing whatever you are doing for the sake of doing it, and not for the sake of something else.
I think I must give some examples.
When washing your clothes, you must wash them with no other purpose than with the purpose of ..... Washing your clothes! You must not do it so that your clothes may be clean, or because it has to be done, or for the sake of cleanliness, or for any other reason apart from washing you clothes!
What that means is, whatever you do, do it with complete commitment and do it for the sake of doing it nicely and beautifully. It is wrong to play football very well because you enjoy doing it, while you don't maintain your garden properly because you do not like doing it.
This means, all in all, that one must get rid of the concept of past and future, and exist forever, solely in the very immediate present. Believe me, that is the only way to live a life. And it requires extreme self control to not think about the past or near future, that is why I said that one needs extreme discipline.
Let me just give you a good statement... It almost encompasses all that I want to say...
Extraordinary people do the ordinary things extraordinarily well.

The kind of joy obtained by living in the present is incomparable with any other joy, and it is the true joy. Actually, it is not joy, but peace.